Tips for changing the oil on your John Deere lawn tractor

Tips for changing the oil on your John Deere lawn tractor
Prior to changing the engine oil, you should let it warm up for a few minutes to circulate all the particles that could be at the bottom of the engine. Then you need to locate the three components needed to change your oil.
We have a dipstick and the oil filter and the drain and the drain valve. Pull off the black cap from the drain valve and install the clear tube that comes with your tractor. Turn the drain valve counterclockwise and pull it out and then the oil will start draining into your drain pan. Now than we have drained the oil, we need to remove the oil filter with an oil filter wrench. For removing the old filter, the best tool to use is an oil filter wrench or a plier. There are numerous types of oil filter pliers but the one we like best is made by a company called Tech Team sold under the Tech brand Their item #702 is angled at 20 degrees so you can reach in the tight spots to remove the oil filter so you can do the job painlessly and easily. It is an excellent tool. Twist the oil filter counterclockwise to remove it. We recommend using a rag under the filter to avoid making a mess.
Now we will take our new oil filter and install it on the engine by placing it on the threads and turning it clockwise until it is tight. Now we need to close the drain valve by pushing it back in and turning it clockwise until it stops. Then remove the drain hose and reinstall the black cap on the end.
Now fill the engine back up with oil using 10-30 weight full synthetic Rotella motor oil. Just to make sure that the oil is correct you can go to Hey Siri or Hey Alexa and search for the correct oil viscosity for a 20HP John Deere lawn mower. You want to put about a quart and a half in the engine and then start the engine up, check it and make sure it’s full after you shut it off. Now, this is important when you want to check the engine. The dipstick to check it properly after the engine is run for 20 to 30 seconds. After filling it, you want to pull the dip stick back out and make sure you’re still filled. You can get the correct filter at Napa Auto Parts and get Rotella Oil at Walmart.