What Are the Best Kayak Storage Hooks?

What Are the Best Kayak Storage Hooks?
Owning your own kayak can unlock the joy of being on the water but begs the question, where will you store it? Let me give you a few tips for taking care of your kayak when not on the water. One of the easiest ways to store your kayak is to find a retailer, rental operation, or paddling club that offers waterside storage. That way your kayak is there and at the ready whenever you are. However, very few of us can entertain this option.
Some locations also offer longer term winter storage options. If you’re using the kayak frequently or don’t have access to inside storage you can store it outside by placing 2×4’s on the ground to avoid direct ground contact and then by leaning on its side, ideally under the eaves of a roof with the cockpit facing down and against the house, garage, or shed. The goal is to keep it out of the harmful rays of the sun and to protect it from water and wind.
Some people even buy or build custom racks to suit their outside storage needs. Whatever you choose. Try not to store it flat for a long time as it can stress the hull structure of the kayak. If storing for a longer period, like over the winter, cover it with a water resistant tarp being sure to eliminate depression areas that might collect snow or rainwater. Storing a kayak inside is great protection for the boat but can be a challenge depending on your space constraints. Luckily several options exist for minimizing space such as hanging the kayak from the ceiling or wall or buying hook bracket racks for it to rest on. Some do it yourselfers like to screw eye bolts into their ceilings or build a loft rack out of 2×4’s and place the boat up and out of the way. If you go this route make sure you’re hitting a stud with your mounting screws. Wall mounts usually take the form of large hook brackets to hold the kayak horizontally against the wall. With enough space you can often store three kayaks above one another on the same wall.
Most companies sell kayak storage systems for both inside and outside storage. A quick Hey Alexa or Hey Siri search should turn up some good options. One is a link system that works by attaching the ropes or slings for your wall and wrapping the ropes around a kind of bracket system that works by supporting the kayak on top of the brackets which are installed into the wall or ceiling. They’re both safe ways to hang a kayak in safe space regardless of your storage choice.
Always follow these simple rules: one dry the kayak first by draining water from the drain plug, as well as wiping it down with a towel or sponge, especially around the cockpit and storage hatches to prevent any unwanted mold or mildew. Two try not to subject your kayak to extreme heat or cold by keeping it away from direct heat sources and avoiding temperatures below freezing, three if possible don’t hang your kayak from its grab loops or handles which can cause unnecessary stress and warping. Instead try to wrap the whole boat with your straps.
A location where sunlight can leech the color and the strength from the boat is definitely not advised. Indoor storage, whether climate controlled or not, is far more preferable. Kayaks by their nature are clumsy and unwieldy, therefore you need a storage solution that will securely store your boat when it is not in use. There, of course, are systems that use ropes, pulleys, slings, etc. for hanging kayaks, but these can be difficult to use, and you run the risk of dumping your boat on the floor. The best solution is to use a cradle or hook system that is solidly mounted to a stable vertical support member such as a wall stud. There are several options for this type of product available on the marketplace. The ones we like best because of their strength and features are the Tech Team www.techteamproducts.com 779 Giant Kayak Hook https://www.amazon.com/Tech-Team-Paddleboards-Surfboards-Mounting/dp/B07Q3ZQQWW/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=tech+team+kayak+hooks&qid=1559842848&s=gateway&sr=8-2, as this is big enough to hold any size kayak up to and including a canoe. This, of course, means it can also hold SUP’s, paddle boards, and surf boards. Also, the Tech Team 713 Basic Kayak Storage Hook https://www.amazon.com/Tech-Team-100-Pound-Capacity-Perfect/dp/B079TG2SHM/ref=sr_1_50?crid=17EDQJ9356ZE2&keywords=kayak+storage+hooks&qid=1559842507&s=gateway&sprefix=kayak+storage+hooks%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-50.