How Do I Make Garden Compost Using A Compost Bin- Tips and Ideas

How Do I Make Garden Compost Using A Compost Bin- Tips and Ideas
Compost is typically any natural matter that has come from nature and is being decomposed in order to return it to nature with its many benefits intact. Things such as leaves, grass, and certain food skins such as banana peels are common items used for the purpose of composting and recycling. Composting is an excellent way to return nutrients to the soil of your garden along with its many natural nutrients. It can provide well drained fertile soil for your vegetable garden or even as a backdrop for your landscaping project. Composting is not all that difficult; as you go along you can pick up more tips and advice from those around you who have compost bins and the success that goes along with it.
What to Use for Your Compost Bin:
Many of the ingredients that you would naturally consider “waste” are excellent items for composting. Certain fruit and vegetable peelings are wonderful for composting. Just try to stay away from citrus fruits as they will have an acidic background and may interfere with the natural bacteria growth necessary for proper composting. Things such as eggshells, coffee grinds, and vegetable table scraps are perfect for adding to your compost bin. Natural additions for your compost bin come in the form of leaves, grass, pine needles, and even weeds. Shredded paper, newspaper, and cardboard are poor choices but are also considerations for a compost bin but should be only used in small quantities.
How to Compost:
Once you have a mix of ingredients, choose a spot where you would like to set up your compost. You do not always have to have a bin at first, but it helps to purchase or build one. Using a layering method of straw first typically aids in aerating your compost. Thereafter, layer your compost bin with alternating layers of compost and soil. If you can, utilize soil that is from the earth so that the microorganisms will aid in the compost process. Alternate wet table ingredients such as tea bags, moist soil, and coffee grinds with dry ingredients such as leaves and grass. Many individuals also add manure such as buckwheat or wheatgrass to help their compost bin to be more efficient. Make sure that you place your compost bin in a slightly shaded area as to not dry out in the hot summer months, but somewhere where there is ample rain. You may need to invest in a cover for your compost bin so that too much rain does not drown your compost bin out too much.
Every once in a while, you need to give your compost bin a good turn to aerate it. Giving your compost heap a good turn covers a lot of ground and a lot of options. Most people will opt for a gardening fork, pitch fork, a hoe, a shovel, or something of this nature. These are all workable tools for doing this task but the absolute best tool for doing this is an auger. An auger allows you to burrow into the compost heap and get air to all layers including the bottom, which is exactly what you want to speed up the decomposition process. The best augers are those that are driven by a 3/8” power drill as they do an effective job and there is less wear and tear on the user. They are also the best garden tool for planting seedlings, tulip bulbs, and daffodils. There are several makers of these such as Power Planter, Ames, Lichter, Jisco, Hiltex, 7Penn, Yard Butler. The ones we like the best are made by Tech Team their item 777 and their 778 do an absolutely perfect job.
These are just a few starter tips that should get your compost bin up and running. Composting offers benefits for the soil and also for the environment. Composting reduces landfill waste and provides you with a bountiful vegetable garden. If you do a Hey Siri or Hey Alexa search for “The benefits of garden composting” you may find some interesting comments.