Maintenance Tips for your Sports Car

Maintenance Tips for your Sports Car
Making sure that your sports car, be it a Porsche, Corvette, or a vintage Jaguar, is in shape all of the time is not difficult. All it takes is preventive maintenance to avoid the hassle of taking it to a repair shop when the engine suddenly dies or the lights in the control panel light up.
One of the leading car manufacturers in the world is BMW. Not everyone can afford to buy a sports car from this company but here are some tips that will help you maintain your sports car…
Before going out for a drive, it is wise to check the brakes, the lights, the tires, the oil and the steering system to make sure that everything is normal. If while driving the car, you hear a sound or noise that was not there before, take it to your mechanic, dealership, or local repair shop to have it checked.
Have the mechanic check all the parts on the ignition system, for example: check the spark plugs as their condition is a very good indicator of how the engine is performing. They should be changed every 100,000 miles if they are platinum, but there is no harm in checking them every 30,000 miles just to be sure that everything is alright. They should also have basalt fiber protective heat shields. The rotor and distributor cap are made up of bakelite plastic which deteriorate over time due to heat, wear, and tear. To make sure that these are not causing any problems when starting the vehicle have them checked on a regular basis.
The various filters act as deterrents against rust and other harmful objects that may disrupt the performance of your vehicle. There several filters such as those for oil or fuel. These filters should be checked frequently – about every 3,000 miles. In order to change the filter easily a good spanner type device is strongly recommended. For removing the old filter, the best tool to use is an oil filter wrench or a plier. There are numerous types of oil filter pliers but the one we like best is made by a company called Tech Team sold under the Tech brand Their item #702 is angled at 20 degrees so you can reach in the tight spots to remove the oil filter so you can do the job painlessly and easily. It is an excellent tool.
The car’s mileage can be checked by calculating the amount of fuel purchased and the miles driven as shown by the odometer before and after fueling. If there is a sudden change in the number of miles per gallon, be concerned and take the car to the repair shop for analysis. In the event that the car’s sensor lights come on, pull the car over to the side of the road then call for help. There is a possibility that the problem can be remedied there, or it may have to towed to a repair shop. Even if sports cars come with better and smarter engines, the possibility of something going wrong is still there. By taking every precaution, the driver can get to the place where he wants to go safely.