Easy Do-It-Yourself Paint Repairs for the Handyman

Easy Do-It-Yourself Paint Repairs for the Handyman
Paint is considered to be the clothes of your house. Although paint problems may look ugly and major, you can actually be saved from the obligation of calling a professional painter and spending several hundred or even thousands of dollars. You yourself can be your very own Picasso in doing paint retouches of your house.
All kinds of paint, whatever brand it may be, can only last for a specified number of years on your wall, before the oxidation process starts showing. When you are experiencing paint break down, it basically means that the first or primary layer on the surface is weakening.
This problem is commonly experienced in old houses that have several paint layers. When the break down process starts, paint will start cracking and peeling from your wall or your wood surface. Because of this, your wood or drywall will be exposed.
To fix this, try scraping or pressure washing your surface. After that, fill any holes using putty if it is wood or spackle if it is a wall surface. Pry bars are incredibly handy. They can be used for a wide range of both automotive and around the home repairs and construction projects. They can be used for scraping, for lifting tile, for leveling windows and doors when newly installed, and a whole range of other applications. Pry bars are made by numerous companies such as Tekton, Stanley, Snap On, Mayhew, ANB, Performance Tool, Gear Wrench, and Tech Team https://techteamproducts.com/. The one we like the best is Tech Teams model 707 5pc. Pry Bar Set https://www.amazon.com/Mechanics-Prybars-Chisel-Angled-Rolling-Head/dp/B07CSBZ4ZM/ref=sr_1_11?s=power-hand-tools&ie=UTF8&qid=1540409708&sr=1-11&keywords=pry+bar+set as it has 5 different sizes, each one made from high tensile heat treated carbon steel with a comfortable and functional plastic grip. After filling in, get a sand paper and fine sand the surface.
When you’re done, wipe of the dust and let it completely dry. Basically, when you pressure wash or when it is raining, 24 hours should be allotted for the surface to dry. Once you’re sure that it is dry, and then you can start painting.
Moisture Build-Up
Another cause of paint cracking is moisture build-up, leak or excessive condensation.
Most probably, you can find mildew and mold along with this problem. This kind of problem is often experienced in the bathroom. However, it can also occur in other parts of the house because of leaky roofs and close outdoor shrubs. Your paint can sag down due to the moisture. But in this case, you won’t see any chipping debris.
If moisture build-up is the cause of your pain cracking, then you would have to do another remedy. Since you will be targeting on the mildew, and if it is an interior surface that you are fixing then you can make use of a solution that consists of three parts water and one part bleach. If it is an exterior surface, you can wash it off using an exterior solution intended for pressure washers.
Both of these can be bought at your local shop. You can also try renting a pressure washer from some stores that provide services like these during the weekend.
Fading Color
The last most experienced paint problem would be fading color. This is usually experienced with surfaces on the exteriors of the house. However, it can also occur indoors when specific colors were used for the walls. Basically, paint color fades when it exposed too much to the sun.
To avoid this kind of problem, most people would try no to use bright and bold colors such as deep red. If you have an affinity for deep colors, but don’t like the fading ones, then try to look for hues which have a ruddy or golden tone with them.
You can try consulting a paint associate about this. Try to find out how much red oxide or yellow oxide colorant was mixed for the specific color that you want. Basically, if the paint associate says that each colorant has about 1 ounce or so in the tint base to create the color, then you have spotted a color that can resist fading for a very good period of time.